MiscThemesWooCommerceWordpressOwn Website or FaceBook Page: Which is more important?


Both are important when considering the complete brand building process. There are a few differences and the important ones are listed below.

1. The feeling of complete ownership

Your Website: You are the owner of your website and You can change the content of the website the way you want it to be. You can use it to the full potential to highlight your brand.

FaceBook page: It depends on the policies of the FaceBook and you need to adhere to the terms and conditions of Policy. You will also need to monitor the policy changes to ensure that your contents are not violating the terms set by FaceBook.

2. The Appearance/Look and Feel

Your Website: You can control the complete appearance of your website. The look and feel of your website is in your control. You can set the colour combinations/features to match the brand.

FaceBook page: It is a third-party service, hence the provider will have the ultimate control of the product they are offering, although the customization can be done to your FB page, it is limited to an extent that the FaceBook decides the overall appearance of your page. Your competitors FB page will also be having the same kind appearance.

3. Easiness in updating content

Your Website: You may need to be taught about the steps to update the website content.

FaceBook page: It is very easy to manage and post contents to the FaceBook page.

4. Interaction with your customers

Your Website: The interaction with the customers is limited on a normal website.

FaceBook page: There are various options available in FaceBook to interact with your customers, allowing the users to comment, post, share the information.

5. Details about the Visitors

Your Website: Various tools are available in the control panel to view the website statistics.

FaceBook page: Any visitor can view the number of followers/likes for your page. This can sometimes adversely affect the visitors’ impression of your brand.

Do you need a free evaluation of your existing website or thinking about a new website? Please let us know and we can help you.


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